Few scooters have wipers but many of their owners have cars.
Winter wiper fluid concentrate -60 degrees Celsius, at a dilution of 1 to 5 can be used for summer fluid...
Ready-to-use antifreeze, developed for standard and sports motorcycles. Based on monoethylene - glycol, contains special hybrid additives. Extremely high boiling point (133 ° C). Provides excellent heat transfer, strong corrosion protection, lowers the operating temperature, excellent lubrication fo..
Антифриз MOTOCOOL FACTORY LINE на MOTUL. Готова за ползване охлаждителна течност за мотоциклети. Без нитрити, амини, фосфати, бор и силикати.* Този антифриз не трябва да се разрежда с вода!Разфасовка: 1L..
Brake liquid MALOSSI RBX DOT 4+, full synthetic 250ml
Full synthetic brake fluid for scooters and motorbikes and supplements, it's specially made for protection of all components of the brake system and the rubber parts.
SBX brake fluid from MALOSSI and RBX in two different specifications DOT guar..
100% synthetic brake fluid for hydraulic brake and damping systems for which fluid from class DOT 3 or 4 is recommended.
Suitable for all types of brake systems. It has anti-corrosion properties and excellent resistance to high temperatures.
It can be mixed with other non-silicone based hydrau..